Johnny Tauzin
Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
The Info
Curious to know his age? Height? Profession? It's all here!
The Man
The VIEW. The WEPS. The MAN.
The People
Relationships & Acquaintances
Behind the scenes
Hooks and OOC
Basic Information
Birth Name: Johnathan Tauzin
Alias: Johnny, The John, Dumbass, J.T, Vagabond Extraordinaire
Age: 23
Birth Date: First Seed 18th, Wayrest
Birth Sign: The Lord
Orientation: Heterosexual
Sex: Male
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 5’11 in / 180 cm
Build: Slim, toned
Hair Color: Raven
Eye Color: Brown
Race: Breton
Profession: Johnny considers himself the best of the worst at what he does, for whatever that’s worth. A burglar? - Assassin? - Bandit?….. Lets just say he takes the less legal paths through life for some coin.
Political Affiliations: None
Faith: Fuck the Gods!
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
The Man

The VIEW: Johnny keeps a lissome, toned body, and he attains as much of his height as he can with a well-formed posture; a way of puffing himself up when he's ready to cause trouble. He keeps his dark locks styled well, though long enough to obscure his vision often enough, alongside a stylized goatee. Scars are plenty along his hands from numerous knife fights, while his chest is decorated with tattoos.
The MAN: This is a man who is a born troublemaker; thrill seeking and audacious. One to seemingly never learn his lesson, he is oftentimes thrown on his ass, resulting in many claiming he has the thickest head in all of Tamriel. Though just as often as he can be found causing gleeful chaos, he can be found brooding or sulking, usually with a copious amount of alcohol involved. While usually marching to the beat of his own drum, he knows how to play nice with others when it’s necessary, able to follow commands from those he allows to employ him. Those that spend time around him will quickly tell he has a bit of an (Scottish) accent, compared to other bretons. While not heavy, it's still noticeable.
The WEPS: Johnny's main choice of weaponry are to dual wield a longsword and dagger. He carries plenty of throwing knives, smoke bombs, lockpicks, and a few other goodies. While not very magic savvy, he can use a handful of minor destruction and illusion spells.
Background Summary: Johnny hails from a family of renowned tailors; creating designer dresses and suits for noble folk from Daggerfall to Evermore. Unfortunately, Johnny was unable to follow in his family’s footsteps, due to either a lack of artistic talent or motivation. Instead, he chose to leave home at a young age instead of spending every day being the object of scorn, spending his teenage years soaking up immoral skills. The rest is history.
Likes: Loyalty. Alcohol. Women. Wit. Curiosity. Gold.
Dislikes: Onions. Cowardice. Goblins. Humidity.
Strengths: Confident. Cunning. Observant. Loyal.
Weaknesses: Cynical. Broody. Troublemaking. Tactless.
Behind the scenes
How you doing? I'm Johnny, 21+ RP'er with about 15 years experience of roleplaying. First of all, I appreciate you giving the page a read, and if you're interested in RP'ing with my character, just hit me up. I'm always looking for some good RP and making new friends with it, so don't be shy!
ESO NA/PC: @DistortedHappiness
Discord: Miyamura#8437
B-Bandits?! - Are you a scoundrel? Scum of the earth, or shady AF individual that frequents equally shady locations? Cool, so is Johnny! Maybe you've ran together before, or at least crossed paths once or twice. Lets grab a drink and terrorize the common folks.
Mercenary - Looking for an extra pair of hands at a reasonable price? Look no further! The John is always looking for work to earn some coin. He'll happily be a bodyguard for a noble, or risk his life in an adventure, even slap that big Nord at the end of the bar that's been giving you the stink eye all night for the right price.
Alcohol! - Whether a raging alcoholic or just enjoying a glass of wine at some tavern, Johnny probably knows the place. If you're there, he's happy to have a chat over a drink.
The People
Mother: Blair Tauzin (Alive)
Father: William Tauzin (Alive)
Siblings: Ambrosia Tauzin (Younger Sister; Alive)